Tuesday, January 26, 2010

the ancient egyptians

Ancient Egypt was an ancient civilization of the eastern North Africa. It was also located along the lower reaches of the Nile River. This is now the modern country of Egypt. The civilization coalesced around 3150BC. Egypt was conquered by a succession of foreign powers in this late period, and the rule of the pharaohs officially ended in 31BC. This is when the early Roman Empire conquered Egypt and made it a province. Since living by the Nile for such a long time, the Egyptians were able to predict if a flood was about to approach. The yearly flooding brought good harvest and wealth to the lands. The Egyptians were about to build mud bricks to make their homes. They would grow some of their own food to get money to buy other food that was necessary in their life. The ancient Egyptian family highly valued their family life. They treasured their children and considered them a great blessing. The wealthy families and the nobilities had slaves and servants that helped take care of their children while the poorer and less fortunate families took care of their children themselves. If a family was unable to have a family, then they would either go to the gods and goddesses for help, or they would use magic. Adoption was also another option if none of the possible options would work. Overall, the poor families actually got to take the time to spend with their children, while the wealthier people had the option, but they just decided to have servants and slaves take care of their own children.


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