Friday, June 4, 2010

Today in Class.

Today in class we finished up the powerpoint. Then, we locked over our last test that we had taken on martin Luther. Then, we just reviewed for our FINAL EXAM. Here are my notes on the powerpoint:

- Niccolo Machiavelli
○ Wrote the Prince
○ Cynical view: most people are corrupt and selfish
○ He focused on telling rulers how to expand their power even if it meant taking steps the Church viewed as evil
- Shakespeare

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Today in Class....

Today un class we took notes on the powerpoint. Here are my notes:

- Donatello
○ Sculpture of David
- Perspective( in painting)- a technique that creates the appearance of three dimensions using a vanishing point and horizon
- Vernacular (native language) ex. Dante in Medieval Times writing
- Boccaccio- wrote the Decameron, a series of realistic, sometimes off-color stories, cutting down public figures

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Today In Class...

Today in class we talked about and watched a movie about Michelangelo. Here are my notes about him:

- Michelangelo
○ His most famous sculpture is the Pieta
○ Made of marble
○ They would get it down by using wooden sleds and roll them down the hill
○ The people are trying to make a copy of the Pieta
○ He lived like a poor man
○ He received 45,000 dollars for doing the statue
○ It is in the heart of the Roman Catholic Church- St. Peter's Basilica
○ Not everyone signed their work back then, but Michelangelo signed his so people would know you sculpted it
He wasalso asked to paint the Sisten Chapel

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Today In Class...

Today in class, we learned about the Renaissance. Here are my notes:

- Florence, Rome- 1450
- Humanist philosophy- with its focus on the human rather than the divine, and on the virtues of physical and mental self-perfection, encouraged this approach to art
- Religious topics were covered in paintings and sculptures
- They introduced mathematical perspective to their works
- Middle class of merchants and bankers, the arts found new sources of support
- It brought in a periods of explosive growth of knowledge in literature, painting, architecture, science, and mathematics
- Renaissance means "rebirth"
- Started in Italy for three main reasons
○ There were several important trade cities
○ Cities gas bankers and merchant class
○ Artists were inspired by heritage of classical Rome
- Humanism- an interest in secular (worldly) things rather than religious/ spiritual art
- Humanists focused on human potential and achievements (individuality)
- Spirit of the Renaissance was concerned with the here and now, not the hereafter
- Patrons- wealthy clients who pay to support artists and their creations
○ Example: the Medici family, a powerful banking and trading family, supported artists: paying for portraits, donating public art
- Leonardo Divinci
○ Born in 1452 in Vinci, Italy
○ He was a bastard child
○ He wasn’t able to learn literature or anything
○ "The First Modern Mind"
○ He wrote left handed and backwards
○ He was obsessed with everything
○ He left behind 6,000 pages of notes about making something for humans to fly
- Michelangelo

Friday, May 28, 2010


Of course, this is a picture of the Mona Lisa. The painting was done by Leonardo Divinci. The background to this picture is a regular painting that Divinci did. When he finished the background, he just painted the Mona Lisa on top of the background painting at another place.

This is a picture of the Vitruvian man. It was painted by Leonardo Divinci. He was always interested in the human body and how our muscels worked. This is a good example of his theories.

This is a picture of the Pieta. It is a sculpture that was made by Michelangelo. It is made of marble. It represents Mary holding Jesus after he was taken down from the cross. This statue is now at the heart of the Roman Catholic Church in St. Peter's Basilica.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Questions for Martin Luther Test

1. What did Martin Luther's father want him to be?
a. Teacher
b. Lawyer
c. Singer
d. Dancer

2. What year did Martin Luther write the 95 Theses?
a. 1529
b. 1937
c. 1517
d. 1518

3. Who did Martin Luther visit when he went to Worms?
a. His father
b. Leo X
c. Leo V
d. Fredrick

4. What monastery did Luther join?
a. Augustinians
b. Lutherinians
c. Christian

5. What did the people of the church sell to let people know that they are going to get to heaven?
a. Indulgences
b. Food
c. Bibles
d. clothes

6. What was Luther accused of?
a. Taking indulgences
b. Heresy
c. Stealing
d. Killing the pope

7. Where did people think they went to get rid of all of their sins?
a. McDonalds
b. Heaven
c. Purgatory
d. The church

8. What happened to Luther after he put up the 95 Theses?
a. He was excommunicated
b. They cut his head off
c. They put him on a cross
d. Nothing

9. Where did Martin Luther grow up?
a. Germany
b. England
c. France
d. Russia

10. Who invented the printing press?
a. Martin Luther
b. Leo V
c. Gutenberg
d. Hugenberg

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Today In Class...

Today in class we watched the video about Martin Luther. Here are the notes I took:

- Leo X
□ Devoted to the pleasures of the flesh
□ Spent money like crazy
□ he is going to build a church but he is spending it all
□ He is now selling indulgences
□ To pay for forgiveness of sins
- Salvation was a gift of God
- You get it through faith
- 1517: He stated to write down the 95 Theses
- He is feeling as if the world is coming to an end
- Gutenberg invented the first printing press 70 years before
- Luther's work was printed by him
- The pope was a sponsor of the indulgences
- Heretics- someone who says something the total opposite of what the church teaches us
- The greatest conflict would occur
- All Hallows Eve- 1517- he puts the theses on the church
- Martin Luther was pretty much barbequed for his death for putting up the Theses
- This brought courage for the people of the church
- He considered himself as a reformer
- The pope wanted Luther to get rid of the theses
- He was charged with heresy

They were going to excommunicate Luther