Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Today In Class...

Today in class we watched the video about Martin Luther. Here are the notes I took:

- Leo X
□ Devoted to the pleasures of the flesh
□ Spent money like crazy
□ he is going to build a church but he is spending it all
□ He is now selling indulgences
□ To pay for forgiveness of sins
- Salvation was a gift of God
- You get it through faith
- 1517: He stated to write down the 95 Theses
- He is feeling as if the world is coming to an end
- Gutenberg invented the first printing press 70 years before
- Luther's work was printed by him
- The pope was a sponsor of the indulgences
- Heretics- someone who says something the total opposite of what the church teaches us
- The greatest conflict would occur
- All Hallows Eve- 1517- he puts the theses on the church
- Martin Luther was pretty much barbequed for his death for putting up the Theses
- This brought courage for the people of the church
- He considered himself as a reformer
- The pope wanted Luther to get rid of the theses
- He was charged with heresy

They were going to excommunicate Luther

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