Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Today In Class,,,,

Today in class we watched a movie about Martin Luther. Here are my notes:

Martin Luther
- 1483
- The plague was happening
- 1.4 of children died before they were 5
- 1546
- Travels to Wittenberg in Eislenben
- Toward the end of Luther's life
- He had undergone death for his beliefs
- Grew up in Germany
- In a supreme family
- The church was the center of his world
- If you were with the church, you would find eternal happiness in heaven
- Life was very lousy for the people in the Middle Ages
- Then the plague comes through very often
- A town could get completely infected
- Luther embraced the church
- Was an alter boy and sang in the choir
- Hans Luther wanted his son to be a lawyer
- Martin hated his father
- His mother was sympathetic
- He was sent to the best schools
- His college was very new to him
- It was a great center for the church
- Martin became a musician
- He got his masters degree
- 1505 - Plague struck
- The Black Death
- They thought that God was punishing them for their sins
- 3 of his friends were killed
- At 23, he vowed himself to God because he was in a storm
- He thought he wouldn’t live
- He vowed to be a monk
- He was free to devote himself to the church
- In monasteries, speaking wasn’t allowed at certain times
- Salvation was to be achieved
- He joined one of the most severe monastaries
- He was in the Augustinians
- They were ig in schools
- Ascetic- somebody who gives up everything to achieve a spiritual awakening
- People were willing to pay their fees to forgive their sins
- This disgusted Martin
- They were imitating the life of Christ
- He said that the years in the monastery ruined his life
- He did everything 100%
□ He gives it his all
- He was concerned that he would never please God

He thought he would never achieve salvation

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