Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Today In Class.

Today in class we went over the test we took on the Medieval Times. Here are the notes that I took about the test:

Test Notes
§ Religious Times were not part of the Medieval Ages
§ Trade got disrupted, population shifting, and downfall of cities
§ Their desire to reproduce artistic traditions were not important to them
§ Many of the nobles moved from the cities to the rural areas
§ Greek was not a language spoken in this time
§ Nuns could be literate
§ The land was cut into small kingdoms
§ Gaul is known as France
§ Clovis teamed up with the Church
§ Benedict made rules to use when in the monastery
§ The three vows the monks took were obedience, poverty, and chastity
§ The monks copied books, maintained libraries, and opened schools
§ Pope Gregory the Great started to get involved with his kingdom
§ Secular power= worldly power
§ Money was used to help the poor, rebuild roads, and help the army
§ Theocracy
§ Franks won
§ Muslims lost
§ Charles Martel was Carloman and Pepin the Short
§ He made the kingdom one under his rule, he spread Christianity, and beat the Muslims in Spain
§ His sons were Charles the Bald, Lothar, Louis the German
§ The event was called the Treaty of Verdun
§ Jerusalem was considered the holiest place
§ Christians, Jews, and Muslims agreed with this
§ Crusades- taking of the cross
§ If you died in battle your sins would be forgiven

Then,we watched a powerpoint about the Reformation and took notes on that.

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