Thursday, May 27, 2010

Questions for Martin Luther Test

1. What did Martin Luther's father want him to be?
a. Teacher
b. Lawyer
c. Singer
d. Dancer

2. What year did Martin Luther write the 95 Theses?
a. 1529
b. 1937
c. 1517
d. 1518

3. Who did Martin Luther visit when he went to Worms?
a. His father
b. Leo X
c. Leo V
d. Fredrick

4. What monastery did Luther join?
a. Augustinians
b. Lutherinians
c. Christian

5. What did the people of the church sell to let people know that they are going to get to heaven?
a. Indulgences
b. Food
c. Bibles
d. clothes

6. What was Luther accused of?
a. Taking indulgences
b. Heresy
c. Stealing
d. Killing the pope

7. Where did people think they went to get rid of all of their sins?
a. McDonalds
b. Heaven
c. Purgatory
d. The church

8. What happened to Luther after he put up the 95 Theses?
a. He was excommunicated
b. They cut his head off
c. They put him on a cross
d. Nothing

9. Where did Martin Luther grow up?
a. Germany
b. England
c. France
d. Russia

10. Who invented the printing press?
a. Martin Luther
b. Leo V
c. Gutenberg
d. Hugenberg

1 comment:

  1. Many people think the answer to number 7 is a.

    Good questions, Hannah!
