Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Today in Class.

Today in class we went over more about Charlemagne with Mr Schicks powerpoint he made. We shoed him our powerpoints, as well. Here are the notes I had taken while we watched the powerpoint:

○ Christianity as a territorial phenomenon
○ Government devoted to the enforcement of Christian values
○ Christian theocracy
○ Pope Gregory I (Gregory the Great) goes secular (worldly power)
○ Church revenues used to help the poor, build roads, and raise armies
○ Gregory's spiritual kingdom extends from Italy to England, from Spain to Germany
○ Charles Martel defeats Muslim raiders at the Battle of Tours (732)
○ Charles Martel had a son named Pepin the Short
○ He was named "king by the grace of God" by the Pope
○ Dies 768
○ Had two sons: Carloman (dies in 771)
○ Charles the Great (Charlemagne
- Charlemagne
○ Charles the Hammer was his grandfather - 688- 741
§ Won the crucial Battle of Tours
○ Charles Martel was his father
○ Renewed emphasis on education and culture
§ Literature, mathematics, art, architecture
§ Opened a palace school
○ He regularly visited every part of his kingdom- hands-on ruling style
○ United most of western Europe for the first time since Rome
○ 47years in charge
○ Age 72
○ Named his son, Louis the Pious, co-emperor
○ Rules from 814 - 840
○ Charlemagne's three sons were not able to decide who could really be the one ruler
○ The ended up cutting it into three pieces

It was bound to fall apart

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