Thursday, May 13, 2010

Today In Class....

Today in class we learned about the Crusaders. We have a test tomorrow about the Middle Ages. Here are the notes I took when learning about the Crusaders:

- The Crusades
○ Age of Faith
○ The Holy Roman Empire is the strongest kingdom in Europe
○ Over 500 massive Gothic cathedrals
○ Are built in Europe between 1170 to 1270
○ Jerusalem
§ Controlled by Muslims
§ Holy city to the Jews
§ And to the Christians
§ The Holy War
□ Pope Urban II put out the call for Christians to recapture Jerusalem and the Holy Lands from Muslim Turks
□ Thus began 200 years of religiously sanctioned military campaigns from 1095 to 1291
□ These soldiers of the Church took vows to take back the Holy Land

The Pope promised those who died in the endeavor would receive immediate remission for their sins

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