Sunday, February 28, 2010



384 BC- Aristotle is born
374 BC- His father dies
367 BC- Aristotle enrolls in Academy
347 BC- Aristotle travels to Atarneus and Assos
347/346 BC- Aristotle marries Pythias
335 BC- He travels to Athens and opens the Lyceum
323/3232 BC- Aristotle travels to Chalkis
322 BC- Aristotle died and Theophrastur leads the Lyceum


Aristotle was born in 384 BC in Chalcidice. Aristotle was also a Greek philosopher and a student of Plato. His writing included subjects like physics, metaphysics, poetry, theatre, music, logic, rhetoric, government, ethics, biology, zoology. He was one of the most important founding figures of the Western philosophy. He died in 322 BC at age 61 or 62 in Euboea.


Time line

427 BC- Plato was probably born in Athens
407 BC- Plato associated with Socrates mainly because of political reasons
404-403 BC- He became disgusted with politics.
399 BC- Plato believed that politics was to found a school and create a new kind of character
367 BC- Plato makes his second trip to Syracuse
347 BC- Plato dies at age 80. (He was never married and had no children)


Plato was a classical Greek philosopher, mathematician, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founded the Academy of Athens. He helped the foundations of natural philosophy, science, and Western philosophy. He was once a student of Socrates. He was influenced by his thinking as by what he saw as his unjust death. Plato died in 348-347 BC at age 84.


470 BC- born, son of a sculptor
431 BC- Peloponnesian War begins
418 BC- Socrates fights in Battle of Mantinea as a armed soldier. He was about 52.The battle was lost.
404 BC- Peloponnesian War ends.
399 BC- Socrates is executed. He was around 70-71 years old.


Socrates was considered one of the wisest Greek philosophers during the Peloponnesian War. He was most famous for his sayings, his method of discussion or dialogue, and "Socratic irony." he actively participated in Athenian democracy. He served in the Peloponnesian War. His life came to and end when he ingested poison hemlock, in fulfillment of his death sentence.

Philosophy & Socratic Method

Philosophy is the study of general and fundemental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. The Socratic Method is really a debat that people have have opposite views based on asking questions to stimulate thinking and bring up ideas.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today In Class We...

Today In class today we watched the rest of the presentations. Here are the notes that I took while watching them:

Places of Ancient Greece
- Acropolis- means upper city
○ 200ft above the rest of the city
○ Known for its statues
- Agora
○ One of the more important parts of ancient city of Athens
○ Like a marketplace
○ Like a mall
- Propylene
○ Is a gateway that serves as a entrance to the Acropolis
- The Temple of Athena Nike
○ Means victory
- Delphi
○ Considered a place where heaven and earth met
○ Center of warship of Apollo
○ Oracle of Delphi- a spiritual experience when Apollo is asked for advice
○ Tholas- the most recognized building on the site because of the color of the marble and the fact that it is a round temple.
○ Famous for many athletic statues
- Sparta
○ Sanctuary of Atremis Orthia
○ One of the most religious parts of Sparta
○ Had a theatre
- Olympia
○ The Temple of Zeus
○ Built by Libon
○ Olympics were held there on the first Olympics
○ Inside the temples is one of the seven wonders of the world.
○ The Philippeion
○ It contains statues of Philips family
○ Only statue dedicated to a human
○ Temple of Hera
○ The wife of Zeus

Greek Mythology
- Hera
○ Queen of the Olympians
○ She hated Hercules
○ The oldest temples were consecrated to her
- Zeus
○ He was the god of the slide
○ He was the fathers of Hercules and Perseus
○ His father was Cronus
○ He was the youngest sons of the titans
○ He had had affairs with eight goddesses other than his wife
○ Also with many mortals and nymphs
○ Weapon was a thunderbolt
- Greek Heroes
○ Consisted of myths and legends
- Hercules
○ Was known as a hero as an infant
○ He had 12 labors before his death all challenging
- Theseus
○ Second most known hero
○ Mainly because of his ancestors
○ Known to be hero at sixteen
○ He defeated many beasts and humans
- The Griffin
○ Body on a lion and head of an eagle
○ Lion was considered the king of the beasts
○ Eagle was the king of the birds

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today In Class We.....

Today in class two groups presented their projects. One group did the Olympis and the other group did Greek theatre. The theatre group put on a play and Mr. Schick was Zues and he dressed up. I was able to take some notes, but not a whole lot. Here they are:

The Olympics
- Held in honor of gods
- Held in Olympia
- Five days of events
- One day: devoted to sacrifices
- Events included
○ Boxing-
- always became more and more brutal
○ Wrestling
○ Equestrian events
- Only the wealth could participate
- The horse who won- not the rider- but the owner would win
- Chariot racing
- Riding
○ Pentathlon
- Wreaths of leaves were awarded to the owners, and competitors, and warn as headbands, as they won their events in the Olympic Games

Greek Theatre
Four types of Greek theatre:

Called theatrons- outdoors arenas

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today In Class We.....

Today in class we got back together in our groups to work on our projects. Our group is working well together and I hope we get a good grade.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

In Class Today We.....

Today in class we worked more on our projects. My job so far is to answer a few questions about the temples and how they are important/special to the gods and goddesses. I think our project will end up with a good grade because our group works well together.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Ash Wednseday

Today in class we got into groups and worked on a prject were we made a board game. My group was made up of Fiona M and Erin M. Our board game was about designing an ancient greek temple to a god of our choice!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Ancient Egypt Quiz!!!!

1. This is a picture of of the Great Sphinx of Gize. It is in frontof the biggestpyramid in the world. It is a recumbent lion with a humans body. It was built about 4500 years ago. Oldest statue in the world. Built from 2555- 2532BC.

2. This is picture of This is the Nile Rive. It flows from the South to the North. At the end of the Nile River, the green in the picture, is called a delta. This river was good for it water to drink, the bath in, and irrigation. Every July it floods, and every October it leaves behind rich soil. The delta is a broad, marshy, triangular areaof fertile silt.

3. This is a picture of a pharaoh. They were the political and religious leaders of the Egyptian people, holding titles such as "The Lord of the Two Lands" and "High Priests of Every Temple". Hatsheput was first women emperor.

4. This is hyroglyphs. These were made by scribesmen. They wrote in hieroglyphs and in hieratics.

5. This is a picture of a soldier. He is holding a wooden weapon with a bronze tip and riding a chariot. His weapons could consist of bow&arrows or spears.

Essay A
In the Egyptian social pyramid, it shows that there were many different types of people that lived in ancient Egypt that is somewhat different that what we have in the US. The lowest people in the social pyramid were the slaves or servants. Their jobs consisted of cleaning the king and they would have to take care of the children of the family they took care of. Even if they didn’t work for the king they still had to do what their master told them to do. They mainly worked with the wealthy people with household and childraising duties. The People that are located towards the middle of the social pyramid are the farmers or the artisans. The farmer raised wheat, barley, lentils, and onions. All of these crops benefited from the irrigation from the Nile. The farmers liked the Nile’s way because every July it would flood and when it came to October, it would leave the farmers rich soil which was used for planting their crops to sell for money. Before they sold their crops for coins, they had used the money/barter system- merchants might accept bags of grain for payment-later, coinage came. The artisans were also by the farmers in the social pyramid. The artisans would carve statues and reliefs. These statues or reliefs would recreate military battles. They would also show scenes of what they think the afterlife would look like. The main upper-class men were known as the “white kilt class”. These people consisted of priests, physicians, and engineers. The pharaohs were also part of the upper-class men. They were considered to be the leader of all of the Egyptian people. They held titles such as “High Priest of Every Temple” and “The Lord of the Two Lands.” They were the ruler of the Upper and Lower Egypt. He owned all of the land, made all of the laws, collected all the taxes, and defended the ancient Egyptians from foreigners.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

In Class Today We...

We did moreof the prezi and took more notes. And we have a test tomorrow!

Here are the revised notes:

- Egyptian life was centered around the Nile River
○ Water for drinking, for irrigating, for bathing
○ Every July it floods
○ Every October it leaves behind rich soil
○ The delta is a broad, marshy triangular area of fertile silt
○ Managing the river required technological breakthroughs in irrigation

Daily Life
- Slaves/ servants helped the wealthy with household and childraising duties
- Farmers- raised wheat, barley, lentils, onions- benefited from irrigation of the Nile
- Artisans would carve statues and reliefs showing military battles and scenes in the afterlife
- Money/barter system was used-merchants might accept bags of grain for payment- later, coinage came about
- Scribes kept records, told stories, wrote poetry described anatomy and medical treatments
- They wrote in hieroglyphs and in hieratics
- Soldiers used wooden weapons (bow&arrows, spears) with bronze tips and might ride chariots
- Upper class, known as the "white kilt class"- priests, physicians, engineers

- The political and religious leader of the Egyptian people, holding the titles : "Lord of the Two lands" and "High Priest of Every Temple"
- As Lord of the Two Lands the pharaoh was the ruler of Upper and lower Egypt. He owned all land, made laws, collected taxes, and defended Egypt against foreigners
- Hatshepsut was a women who served as pharaoh

- The Great Sphinx of Giza
○ Built 2555- 2532BC
○ 4500 years ago
○ A recumbent lion with a human's body
○ Oldest monumental statue in the world
○ Located in front of the biggest pyramid in the world to guard it the pyramid

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Today In Class We.....

In class todayMr. Schick presented his prezi. It's supposed to be ten times better than a regular powerpoint. Here are the notes:

- Egyptian life was centered around the Nile River
○ Water for drinking, for irrigating, for bathing
○ Every July it floods
○ Every October it leaves behind rich soil
○ The delta is a broad, marshy triangular area of fertile silt
○ Managing the river required technological breakthroughs in irrigation
- The Great Sphinx of Giza
○ Built 2555- 2532BC
○ 4500 years ago
○ A recumbent lion with a human's body
○ Oldest monumental statue in the world

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Groundhog's Day/Pyramid Building Day/UBs(Uncle Brian) Birthday

Today in class we built our own pyramids.It took us a couple tries but we did it ! The first time doing the Nile River thing was hard, but we did it! Even though we weren't the first three team to finish, we got a 90%!!!!