Thursday, February 4, 2010

In Class Today We...

We did moreof the prezi and took more notes. And we have a test tomorrow!

Here are the revised notes:

- Egyptian life was centered around the Nile River
○ Water for drinking, for irrigating, for bathing
○ Every July it floods
○ Every October it leaves behind rich soil
○ The delta is a broad, marshy triangular area of fertile silt
○ Managing the river required technological breakthroughs in irrigation

Daily Life
- Slaves/ servants helped the wealthy with household and childraising duties
- Farmers- raised wheat, barley, lentils, onions- benefited from irrigation of the Nile
- Artisans would carve statues and reliefs showing military battles and scenes in the afterlife
- Money/barter system was used-merchants might accept bags of grain for payment- later, coinage came about
- Scribes kept records, told stories, wrote poetry described anatomy and medical treatments
- They wrote in hieroglyphs and in hieratics
- Soldiers used wooden weapons (bow&arrows, spears) with bronze tips and might ride chariots
- Upper class, known as the "white kilt class"- priests, physicians, engineers

- The political and religious leader of the Egyptian people, holding the titles : "Lord of the Two lands" and "High Priest of Every Temple"
- As Lord of the Two Lands the pharaoh was the ruler of Upper and lower Egypt. He owned all land, made laws, collected taxes, and defended Egypt against foreigners
- Hatshepsut was a women who served as pharaoh

- The Great Sphinx of Giza
○ Built 2555- 2532BC
○ 4500 years ago
○ A recumbent lion with a human's body
○ Oldest monumental statue in the world
○ Located in front of the biggest pyramid in the world to guard it the pyramid

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