Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today In Class We.....

Today in class two groups presented their projects. One group did the Olympis and the other group did Greek theatre. The theatre group put on a play and Mr. Schick was Zues and he dressed up. I was able to take some notes, but not a whole lot. Here they are:

The Olympics
- Held in honor of gods
- Held in Olympia
- Five days of events
- One day: devoted to sacrifices
- Events included
○ Boxing-
- always became more and more brutal
○ Wrestling
○ Equestrian events
- Only the wealth could participate
- The horse who won- not the rider- but the owner would win
- Chariot racing
- Riding
○ Pentathlon
- Wreaths of leaves were awarded to the owners, and competitors, and warn as headbands, as they won their events in the Olympic Games

Greek Theatre
Four types of Greek theatre:

Called theatrons- outdoors arenas

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