Sunday, February 28, 2010


Time line

427 BC- Plato was probably born in Athens
407 BC- Plato associated with Socrates mainly because of political reasons
404-403 BC- He became disgusted with politics.
399 BC- Plato believed that politics was to found a school and create a new kind of character
367 BC- Plato makes his second trip to Syracuse
347 BC- Plato dies at age 80. (He was never married and had no children)


Plato was a classical Greek philosopher, mathematician, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founded the Academy of Athens. He helped the foundations of natural philosophy, science, and Western philosophy. He was once a student of Socrates. He was influenced by his thinking as by what he saw as his unjust death. Plato died in 348-347 BC at age 84.

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