Friday, May 28, 2010


Of course, this is a picture of the Mona Lisa. The painting was done by Leonardo Divinci. The background to this picture is a regular painting that Divinci did. When he finished the background, he just painted the Mona Lisa on top of the background painting at another place.

This is a picture of the Vitruvian man. It was painted by Leonardo Divinci. He was always interested in the human body and how our muscels worked. This is a good example of his theories.

This is a picture of the Pieta. It is a sculpture that was made by Michelangelo. It is made of marble. It represents Mary holding Jesus after he was taken down from the cross. This statue is now at the heart of the Roman Catholic Church in St. Peter's Basilica.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Questions for Martin Luther Test

1. What did Martin Luther's father want him to be?
a. Teacher
b. Lawyer
c. Singer
d. Dancer

2. What year did Martin Luther write the 95 Theses?
a. 1529
b. 1937
c. 1517
d. 1518

3. Who did Martin Luther visit when he went to Worms?
a. His father
b. Leo X
c. Leo V
d. Fredrick

4. What monastery did Luther join?
a. Augustinians
b. Lutherinians
c. Christian

5. What did the people of the church sell to let people know that they are going to get to heaven?
a. Indulgences
b. Food
c. Bibles
d. clothes

6. What was Luther accused of?
a. Taking indulgences
b. Heresy
c. Stealing
d. Killing the pope

7. Where did people think they went to get rid of all of their sins?
a. McDonalds
b. Heaven
c. Purgatory
d. The church

8. What happened to Luther after he put up the 95 Theses?
a. He was excommunicated
b. They cut his head off
c. They put him on a cross
d. Nothing

9. Where did Martin Luther grow up?
a. Germany
b. England
c. France
d. Russia

10. Who invented the printing press?
a. Martin Luther
b. Leo V
c. Gutenberg
d. Hugenberg

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Today In Class...

Today in class we watched the video about Martin Luther. Here are the notes I took:

- Leo X
□ Devoted to the pleasures of the flesh
□ Spent money like crazy
□ he is going to build a church but he is spending it all
□ He is now selling indulgences
□ To pay for forgiveness of sins
- Salvation was a gift of God
- You get it through faith
- 1517: He stated to write down the 95 Theses
- He is feeling as if the world is coming to an end
- Gutenberg invented the first printing press 70 years before
- Luther's work was printed by him
- The pope was a sponsor of the indulgences
- Heretics- someone who says something the total opposite of what the church teaches us
- The greatest conflict would occur
- All Hallows Eve- 1517- he puts the theses on the church
- Martin Luther was pretty much barbequed for his death for putting up the Theses
- This brought courage for the people of the church
- He considered himself as a reformer
- The pope wanted Luther to get rid of the theses
- He was charged with heresy

They were going to excommunicate Luther

Thursday, May 20, 2010

In Class Today...

In class today, we took some more notes on Martin Luther. We also took notes on our 95These about John Carroll. We had a lot of ideas and putting them up might change the school.......forever!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


5 things I would change about JC.

1. We don't use computers- there are so many things that can go wrong with them (crashing!)

2. We should be able to wear whatever type of undershirt we want to. It doesn't matter what is under our school shirts just as long as we wear them.

3. We need more off mods. One off mod in a day is NOT enough!

4. The new advisories aren't such a good idea. Mainly the only thing I don't like is that I might not know anyone in my advisatory. We should be able to have at least one person we know in them.

5. We should be able to wear sweatpants when we get out-of-uniform days. Jeans are so uncomfortable, DON'T YOU WANT US TO BE HAPPY!:(

Today In Class,,,,

Today in class we watched a movie about Martin Luther. Here are my notes:

Martin Luther
- 1483
- The plague was happening
- 1.4 of children died before they were 5
- 1546
- Travels to Wittenberg in Eislenben
- Toward the end of Luther's life
- He had undergone death for his beliefs
- Grew up in Germany
- In a supreme family
- The church was the center of his world
- If you were with the church, you would find eternal happiness in heaven
- Life was very lousy for the people in the Middle Ages
- Then the plague comes through very often
- A town could get completely infected
- Luther embraced the church
- Was an alter boy and sang in the choir
- Hans Luther wanted his son to be a lawyer
- Martin hated his father
- His mother was sympathetic
- He was sent to the best schools
- His college was very new to him
- It was a great center for the church
- Martin became a musician
- He got his masters degree
- 1505 - Plague struck
- The Black Death
- They thought that God was punishing them for their sins
- 3 of his friends were killed
- At 23, he vowed himself to God because he was in a storm
- He thought he wouldn’t live
- He vowed to be a monk
- He was free to devote himself to the church
- In monasteries, speaking wasn’t allowed at certain times
- Salvation was to be achieved
- He joined one of the most severe monastaries
- He was in the Augustinians
- They were ig in schools
- Ascetic- somebody who gives up everything to achieve a spiritual awakening
- People were willing to pay their fees to forgive their sins
- This disgusted Martin
- They were imitating the life of Christ
- He said that the years in the monastery ruined his life
- He did everything 100%
□ He gives it his all
- He was concerned that he would never please God

He thought he would never achieve salvation

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Today In Class.

Today in class we went over the test we took on the Medieval Times. Here are the notes that I took about the test:

Test Notes
§ Religious Times were not part of the Medieval Ages
§ Trade got disrupted, population shifting, and downfall of cities
§ Their desire to reproduce artistic traditions were not important to them
§ Many of the nobles moved from the cities to the rural areas
§ Greek was not a language spoken in this time
§ Nuns could be literate
§ The land was cut into small kingdoms
§ Gaul is known as France
§ Clovis teamed up with the Church
§ Benedict made rules to use when in the monastery
§ The three vows the monks took were obedience, poverty, and chastity
§ The monks copied books, maintained libraries, and opened schools
§ Pope Gregory the Great started to get involved with his kingdom
§ Secular power= worldly power
§ Money was used to help the poor, rebuild roads, and help the army
§ Theocracy
§ Franks won
§ Muslims lost
§ Charles Martel was Carloman and Pepin the Short
§ He made the kingdom one under his rule, he spread Christianity, and beat the Muslims in Spain
§ His sons were Charles the Bald, Lothar, Louis the German
§ The event was called the Treaty of Verdun
§ Jerusalem was considered the holiest place
§ Christians, Jews, and Muslims agreed with this
§ Crusades- taking of the cross
§ If you died in battle your sins would be forgiven

Then,we watched a powerpoint about the Reformation and took notes on that.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Today In Class....

Today in class we learned about the Crusaders. We have a test tomorrow about the Middle Ages. Here are the notes I took when learning about the Crusaders:

- The Crusades
○ Age of Faith
○ The Holy Roman Empire is the strongest kingdom in Europe
○ Over 500 massive Gothic cathedrals
○ Are built in Europe between 1170 to 1270
○ Jerusalem
§ Controlled by Muslims
§ Holy city to the Jews
§ And to the Christians
§ The Holy War
□ Pope Urban II put out the call for Christians to recapture Jerusalem and the Holy Lands from Muslim Turks
□ Thus began 200 years of religiously sanctioned military campaigns from 1095 to 1291
□ These soldiers of the Church took vows to take back the Holy Land

The Pope promised those who died in the endeavor would receive immediate remission for their sins

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Today in Class.

Today in class we went over more about Charlemagne with Mr Schicks powerpoint he made. We shoed him our powerpoints, as well. Here are the notes I had taken while we watched the powerpoint:

○ Christianity as a territorial phenomenon
○ Government devoted to the enforcement of Christian values
○ Christian theocracy
○ Pope Gregory I (Gregory the Great) goes secular (worldly power)
○ Church revenues used to help the poor, build roads, and raise armies
○ Gregory's spiritual kingdom extends from Italy to England, from Spain to Germany
○ Charles Martel defeats Muslim raiders at the Battle of Tours (732)
○ Charles Martel had a son named Pepin the Short
○ He was named "king by the grace of God" by the Pope
○ Dies 768
○ Had two sons: Carloman (dies in 771)
○ Charles the Great (Charlemagne
- Charlemagne
○ Charles the Hammer was his grandfather - 688- 741
§ Won the crucial Battle of Tours
○ Charles Martel was his father
○ Renewed emphasis on education and culture
§ Literature, mathematics, art, architecture
§ Opened a palace school
○ He regularly visited every part of his kingdom- hands-on ruling style
○ United most of western Europe for the first time since Rome
○ 47years in charge
○ Age 72
○ Named his son, Louis the Pious, co-emperor
○ Rules from 814 - 840
○ Charlemagne's three sons were not able to decide who could really be the one ruler
○ The ended up cutting it into three pieces

It was bound to fall apart

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Today In Class..

today in class we workedon porjects while mr Schick wasnt here. Our projects were on Charlemagne.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Today in Class...

Today in class we took the rest ofthe notes we needed for the Medival Times. We learned about Clovis and Pope Gregory the 1 (Gregory the Great)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Today in Class.

Today in class we took notes on the Medival Period. These notes are also on his website, but I still tend to take tons of notes. Here are the notes that I took.......

- Medieval period
- 476 - 1453 AD
- From the end of the Roman Empire to the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks
- Invasions trigger changes in western Europe
○ Invasions and constant warfare spark new trends
§ Disruption of trade
□ Europe's cities are no linger economic centers
□ Money is scarce
§ Downfall of cities
□ Cities are no longer centers of administration
§ Population shifts
□ Nobles retreat to the rural areas
□ Cities don’t have strong leadership
○ Decline of learning
§ Germanic invaders are illiterate, but they communicate through oral tradition
§ Only priests and church officials could read and write
§ Knowledge of Greek (and literature, science, philosophy) is almost lost
○ Loss of a common language
§ Dialects develop in different regions
§ By the 800s, French, Spanish, other Roman-based languages are evolving from Latin
- Germanic kingdoms emerge
○ The concept of government changes
§ Roman society: loyal to public government
§ Germanic society: loyal to family
□ Germanic chief led warriors
□ During peace, he provided food, weapons, treasure, a place to live (the lord's hall)
□ During wartime, warriors fought for the lord
§ "the king? Who's that? You want to collect taxes from me ? Who the heck are you?"
§ Franks live in the Roman province of Gaul- their leader is Clovis
○ The Franks inder Clovis
§ Another battlefield conversion! (just like Constantine)
§ Clovis and 3000 of his warriors are baptized by the bishop
§ The church in Rome approves of this alliance
§ Clovis and the Church begin to work together
- Germanic peoples adopt Christianity
○ 511AD- Clovis unites Franks into one kingdom
○ 600AD- Church + Franks rulers convert many
○ Monasteries and convents
§ 520 AD- Benedict wrote the rules for monks and monasteries
□ Had a sister named Scholastica did the same for nuns in convents
§ 731AD- the Venerable Bede wrote a killer history of England
§ (Pope) Gregory I expands papal power
□ Papacy= pope's office
□ Secular power= worldly power
□ Papal Power (power of the pope) is political power, presented fron the pope's palace
□ The church used church money to:
® Raise armies
® Repair roads
® Help the poor
□ Gregory the Great began to act as mayor of Rome, and as head of an earthly kingdon (Christendom)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco de May0

Today in class we went over our essays that we wrote when we took the ancient Greece Quiz. We also went over a little bit of the Medival Period time which is what we are going to be working on next.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

middle ages

The period of the Middle Ages were part of the European history from the 5th century to the 15th century. They used the stone archtitecture for their buildings and their art was based on Christiananity. The breakdown of Rome signifies the beginning of the middle ages. The Hundred Year's War signifies the end of the middle ages. The last emperor of the Western Roman Empire was Romulus Agustus.
In class today we went over the tests that we had taken. We also took a test that wasn't graded on the Middle Ages. It is the next chapter that we are going to be working on.