Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Today in Class We..

Today in the beginning of class we had technical difficulties with the movie we were watching,but Mr. Schick fixed and we watched the movie about Julius Caesar. Here are the notes I took while watching the movie:

○ Forced Pompey to fight in Pharsaluso
○ 48BC
○ Pompey had 45,000 people and Caesar had 22,000 people
○ Pompey had more calvery- 6,000- Caesar had 1,000
○ They were going to surround Caesar
○ Caesar wins
○ This ends the civil war
He gets named dictator for life

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Julius Caesar

Today we watched a movie on YouTube about Julius Caesar. We took notes on the video and here they are:

- Julius Caesar
○ 52 BD Gaul, France
○ Gaul's and Roman's are fighting
○ 100,000 men from Gaul
○ 40,000 with Caesar
○ Battle of Alesia
○ Caesar refuses to go out because his hair doesn’t look right
○ As all seemed lost, Caesar came in and Rome won
○ Fights with him for 10-12 year
○ and soon becomes important
○ Calvary was sent to Gaul to trap the people
○ Most brilliant fight in military
○ Beginning of a revolution
○ He was also a powerful politician
○ All of Gaul was conquered
○ Rome was a republic
○ The senate was worried
○ Was subjected to regular elections
○ Pompey and Caesar were once political allies
○ Rubicon- if you cross it, you would not be able to go back
○ He formed a triumvirate- an unofficial group of three people who try to run things- Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus
○ Crassus dies
○ Caesar gets named consul- he makes himself consul for life
○ Pompey thinks Caesar went to far
○ Caesar and Pompey battle each other with their own armies
○ Caesar just wants more power/ out of control
○ He is being stopped by the tribune of the people
○ Caesar is taking the money that all of Rome has
○ Pompey fled east(Greece) to get his allies
○ Caesar went to Spain and whip them out
○ Caesar promised them riches, which he never delivered
○ His own men are rebelling against him
○ In order to stop the rebelling- decimate- of all the 4000 men- 10% of them are killed to keep them straight
- Mark Anthony
○ General of Caesar's army

- Marcus Cato- the senator
○ Sent out messages
○ They were offers/demanding letters telling Caesar to leave his military
○ Caesar ignored it

- Gnaeus Pompey
○ Politician and retired general
○ Most successful
○ Conquered most of the eastern Mediterranean

Monday, March 29, 2010

Tiberius Gracchus- What I Think About Him

In my opinion, I think Tiberius was a good ruler, but toward the end of his life, he went downhill. When they were at his father’s funeral and the people were saying his eulogy, they had mentioned he was a despiser of kings. Tiberius turned out to wanting to be able to stay in and have some power, which his father would not have wanted if he were still alive. In the beginning of Tiberius’s ruling, he was a good ruler. When they had gone to war with Spain, he had brought back 20,000 men. They came back to their families in Rome, and they had more respect for Tiberius because they had brought back the men. This time showed that Tiberius had a good ruling at that time. When he decided to run for tribune, he knew that the people were going to vote for him. He had promised the plebeians that he would get their land back for them when they lost it in the battle with Carthage in 146 BC. This was a good choice made by Tiberius because he knew that he would be helping the people. This choice was effective because in the future, this choice to run for tribune would bring him down. When Octavious vetoed the choice to let the people vote, and then Tiberius started vetoing everything that was on the agenda; that was a bad idea. He was acting like a child because he didn’t get his way. He wanted the people to start to riot, which would not be a good idea. If some of the people didn’t agree with him, they could attack him and end his life. Vetoing everything that the people in the senate said was a bad choice made by Tiberius. When Octavious started to go out in the night to tell the people that Tiberius wanted to be king and make them slaves, which was a good idea from Octavious because he knew that Tiberius was getting a little to cocky and he wanted him to go down. What I think is that Tiberius wanted more power to himself and he had promised things that he wasn’t able to do because he didn’t have that type of power. In the movie, when Tiberius was pointing to his head, I’m not sure if that really happened in real life or they were doing it just for the movie, it probably made the people think that he wanted Mather to get the crown for him before the senate attacked him. Overall, I think that Tiberius was a good ruler in the beginning, but towards the end of his ruling/life, he became a little too cocky and he couldn’t handle all of the politics that the people in the government really have to handle.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Today In Class We...

Today in class we watched more on the video about Tiberius. We got news that we had to write a paper about what we thought of Tiberius and if what he did was good or not good. Here are the notes I tookk while we watched the video:

○ The next day Octavious vetoed again
○ Now Tiberius is vetoing everything so that there will be riots everywhere
○ He was pissed off at Octavious
○ They had never had a mob like this before
○ Tiberius won the vote to get rid of Octavious and he couldn’t vote anymore
○ Octavious is going to the people ad telling them that he was lying to them and they were all saying that he was wearing royal clothing and the crown and he just wanted to be king
○ They would prosecute him for treason
○ The people were going to rebel against him
○ The last thing they want is a guy with a lot of power
○ Mather believed the same as the people
○ They were in the midst of a civil war
○ When is term as tribune was over, the were all going to kill him
○ Tiberius says the people will protect him
○ Summer of 133 BC- the election day
○ He is fighting for a second term but that isn't allowed
○ Mather tried to defend Tiberius but he died
○ Then they beat Tiberius to death
○ There was no funeral for him- they just dumped his body in the Tiber River

It would take 100 years to get Rome back to its normal self

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Today In Class....

Today in class we watched more of the movie about Tiberius and his fight to make Rome better. We watched it oin the laguage lab. Here are the notes I took while watching the movie:

○ The soldiers families who survived were happy to see Tiberius, but the rich, on the other hand, were all upset because they thought that Tiberius and his people were giving up and they wanted the poorer people to stay in line and not get out of hand
○ His mother wanted him to apologize to one of the senators because she thought he had let down Rome
○ Mather- showed Tiberius how easy it was to get to him by putting a knife to him
○ He wanted to give him help by protecting him- the people needed them
○ He was offering his services to him as a bodyguard
○ Tiberius's one friend from the senate told him to run for something in the political office- he knew he would get a lot of votes from the plebeians
○ He ran for tribune- to protect people's rights
○ He would be able to pass new laws to give them new lands
○ They weren't any laws back then that said you could only own a certain amount of land
○ Octavious wouldn’t give up his land because his father died on it
○ His friend in the senate wants Tiberius to marry his daughter
○ 133 BC
○ He became tribune of the assembly (the people) and asked the senate to vote for his laws
○ He wanted everyone to have a home
○ Octavious-senate tribune- vetoed and was the only one who didn’t agree
○ Didn’t choose by majority- all of them had to agree

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Today in Class we...

Today in class we watched a video on YouTube about Tiberius Gracchus and other ancient Rome people. Here are the notes I took while watching the video.

- Once was a large democratic society
- They called it the republic
- Lasted 500 years
- Tiberius Gracchus
○ His father was a despiser of kings
○ 146BC- Carthage
○ Ten years after his fathers death
○ They will find justice over tyranny
○ They were separated from each other for 120 years
○ They streets ran with blood
○ Six days after brutal fighting, Carthage surrendered and Rome had won
○ Tiberius was the first the get over the wall and he was crowned king
○ Carthage was burnt to the ground- nothing was left
○ They people were sent to slavery
○ They would role for the next 600 years
○ Six months later after the battle between Carthage and Rome, Rome's streets were being filled with poor people
○ Latifundia- huge plots of land that Rome controlled
○ The men who fought were treated like kings now
○ They want to create a new enemy
○ Tiberius was a firm believer in the republic
○ He was going to go to war with Spain
○ Octavious stole a women's farm and made her poor- one of the millions of aristocrats who took advantage of the widows or people who weren't able to keep it up. They would also just take it, like that.
○ Tiberius doesn’t agree with what he had done
○ Thousands of farmers lost their land
○ They brought in people from Carthage to act like slaves to rebuild them
○ They had lost their battle with Spain
○ The army(20,000 men) was surrounded by barbarians
○ They couldn’t fight, so they surrendered
○ The Barbarians wanted to fight- Tiberius wanted them to let them free, so the Barbarians wanted something back, the got everlasting peace with each other

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Flashcards- 3-23

Today In Class We...

Mr. Scick akak Chi Cago showed a rap he made about ancient Rome. We took notes on this rap which had the beat from Low by Flo Rida:

- Etruscans and the Greeks
- the Latin's came first
- they drained the swamps of the Tiber River
- Tarquin wasn't happy and they ran the tyrants out of town
- They didn't have anymore kings
- Romulus and Remus(twins)- fathered by the god Mars, born by a virgin, then uncle puts them into the wild to let them die, and then a she wolf saves the and raises them, then they founded Rome ........MYTH
-they had three governments rolled into one
-Patricians and plebeians
-they had new republics to run- democracy, aristocracy, and monarchy
-5000 soldiers
-they fought against Carthage in wars that were Punic

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Today In Class We.....

Today in class we reviewed for our test that is on Friday. We reviewed by looking at other peoples blogs and using their flashcards. We also looked at Mr. Schicks blog to see what we neededfor the test like a pencil and paper

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Today In Class We.....

Today in class, we looked at some peoples flashcards because we finished the movie. We looked over the flashcards, not just to see what other people did, but to review everything we learned about like Pericles, Aspasia, and The Battle of Salamis.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Today In Class We.....

Today in class we watched more about the movie about ancient Greece. Here are the notes I took when watching it.

□ Thales
□ Stood next to the pyramid when the sun was at a certain point to tell how tall it was
§ Theatres
□ When people didn’t like it they booed
□ Tragedies were the main play that were performed
§ The Spartans vs. The Athenians
□ A plague hit Athens
□ The diseases spread like wildfire
□ Over 1/3 of the population had died
□ It soon hit Pericles
□ He was soon relying on potions and magic
□ Died 6 months after getting the diseases (429 BC)
□ His plans only brought disease and death
□ Socrates tried to calm the people after losing a battle against Sparta
□ In the end, he was only one voice like everyone else
□ All of the people who did the wrong thing, they were to die by drinking poison
□ They had been part of one of the greatest defeats
□ 2 fleets had been destroyed
§ Athens vs. Persia
□ Athens had defeated the Persians 50 years earlier
□ Athenians began to starve
□ They all turned to Athena
□ The goddess offered no help
□ 404BC - Athens surrendered to Sparta's leader- Lysander
□ Their fleets were destroyed
□ Everything but 12 ships were to be burned
□ Athenians looked for someone to blame
□ They blamed Socrates
□ Critical about everything
□ He was arrested
□ They put him on trial
□ Held in Athens central market place under a canopy
□ He had only a little nit of time to state something- they used water timer
□ They found him guilty and put him to death
□ He reacted calmly
□ He would die by hemlock
® Drinking poison

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Today In Class....

Today in class we watched the movie abotu ancient Greece. We had to take notes on what we watched, but what we watched, we already took notes on them so I dont have any notes to post up besides what we did in class.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In Class Today We.....

Today in class we watched a movie about Alexander the Greek. We took nites, but it wasn't much because we weren't able to watch a lot. We had to stop when they were battling, the Persians and the Greeks. Mr. Schick ruined it by telling us that Greece wins. Thanks Mr Schick.
Here are the few notes that I took:

-Alexander's mother thinks his father is Zeus
-Bucephles - Greek for Bulls Head
-Gaugamela, Persia- one of his earlier battles
-He battled with them instead of just watching from the back
-150,000 Persians on an open field
-Outnumbered 4:1

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Today In Class We...

Today in class we worked on our flashcards and Mr. Schick showed us a presentation about how to make them. He also got frustrated overmy computer because it wouldn't upload a video.

Friday, March 5, 2010

In Class Today We.....

In class today, we watched someof the movie about ancient Greece. Here are the notes that I took while watching the movie:

§ Themistocles- Navy
□ Risen to power through democracy
□ He knew how to make a city great
□ He would become one of histories greatest saviors
□ He had been using the trireme
® To ram the enemies ship
® They were also very expensive
□ They discovered silver
□ He wanted to spend the money of ships
□ He wanted to fight the Persians at sea
□ He wanted the children and wives to evacuate to Salamis, Greece
□ Wants to fight in shallow water
□ They had the victory
□ He built a Navy
□ He had defeated the most greatest empire
□ Delian league- organization of Greek cities - Athens empire- all joined forces
□ They still had democracy
□ The pebbles decided everything
□ Other cultures could not manage this kind of
□ Ostracize- writing someone's name on a rock and whoever got the most votes where thrown out of the city
□ Sometimes it were a period years or it was for life
□ Used to protect the government
□ The kicked out Themistocles
□ Because he was getting a big head
□ Never recovered from this humiliation
□ Eventually died in Persia
- They were now looking for a New Leader
§ Pericles
□ He was the leader of Athens when it was at its highest
□ He was born into an elite family
□ Knew the people wanted a city fit to rule a empire
□ The burnt down areas became a memorial for all the people who had died
□ He would make it a temple for Athena
□ It was extraordinarily expensive
□ Who 20,000 lbs. of marble
□ It would be decorated like none before
□ Sculptures and architects were brought from all over Greece
□ It took 15 years
□ Most glorious symbol of Athens empire
□ 40ft high statue of Athena
□ Was truly overwhelming
□ 2500 yeas old
□ Stands at the peak of Acropolis
□ Aspasia- like a prostitute
□ Was his companion
□ She wrote some of his speeches for him
□ He treated her like an equal, when women were considered 2nd class
□ Were to become one of the most influential groups
□ Theatres were built in every main city in Greece
□ He wouldn’t just bring glory, but death and destruction
□ Got his people to follow his plan
□ The were faced with the plaque
□ Results were horrendous
□ Spread like wildfire
□ The body suddenly stopped
□ Was worse then what human nature could ever happen to them

§ Xerxes
□ 486 BC
□ He was going to destroy Athens
□ 2 million men
□ 480 BC- news reached Athens and the Persian army was coming to attack
□ He was confident of victory
□ Burnt down the most famous places in Greece
□ Thought it was easy
□ Believed Themistocles trick- a guy tells them that it’s the perfect time to attack and to not kill him, but really Themistocles told the guy to tell him that
□ They soon realized his plan when they saw a wall of Themistocles ships
□ Aeschyles fought in the battle and was able to talk about it
□ At the end of the battle they had lost over 200 ships

§ Delphi
□ The Greek would go their to discover their future
□ Considered the center of the universe
□ Themistocles went to Delphi after the war of marathon
§ 431 BC
□ Presents his people with the news that he is going to war with Sparta
□ They were a fearsome force
□ He decided to finish this old rivalry
□ Convinced his people to go to Piraeus
□ Used the Athenian Navy
□ They crowded behind the cities walls
§ Socrates
□ He was unbelievably ugly
□ Walked the streets barefoot
□ Didn’t care about appearance
□ Interested only in the mind
□ Would be part of the revolution in the mind
□ Took the gods from the heavens and replaced them with reason
□ This was the birth of science
□ He was interested in logic and reason in people
□ Cares about the individual
□ Talking and debating with anybody he met
□ He loved the city
□ As he spent days thinking, his city was in war

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

In Class Today We....

Today in class, we watched a movie about ancient Greece and how they started democracy. We took notes and here they are:

Crucible of Civilization
- Athens was struck by an extraordinary event
○ They had taken their destiny into their own arms
○ They rose up in revolution
○ The people had turned against their rulers
○ 508 BC.
○ First step to empire and glory
○ The first time in history this has happened
- What happens Now?
○ Cleisthenes was forced to build a government
○ He was a leader that got ran out when the Spartans attacked
○ They could gather and talk about their future
○ A white pebble for yes, a black pebble for no
§ How the people voted
§ This started democracy
○ Ordinary Greeks who were not wealthy would feel heroic because they were able to contribute to the democracy
○ No one ever thought of having the people vote
○ At some points, they had a better democracy then we do now
○ The people had to defend their nation from attackers
○ 490 BC.
§ Phiediippities
□ He was one of the best athletes
□ Its not for glory, but for survival
□ To run for help
□ He was running to Sparta
□ He ran 140 miles in 2 days
□ The help would be refused
□ He never imagined that the Greeks won the battle
□ They had slaughtered 6,000 Persians in one day
§ From India to Turkey
§ They were gaining power
§ Persians had to destroy them
§ Diraus - leader of Persia
§ News spread of the attack like wildfire
§ Every men citizen had to fight
§ Use any weapon they could find
§ Athens was outnumbered 2:1
§ They returned to their city to celebrate
§ The war had only just begin
§ Themistocles- Navy
□ Risen to power through democracy
□ He knew how to make a city great
□ He would become one of histories greatest saviors
□ He had been using the trireme
® To ram the enemies ship
® They were also very expensive
□ They discovered silver
□ He wanted to spend the money of ships
§ Xerxes
□ 486 BC
□ He was going to destroy Athens
□ 2 million men
□ 480 BC- news reached Athens and the Persian army was coming to attack

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

In Class Today We...

We finished up the projects and we presneted ours.

- Comedies
○ Written for the sense of humor about the ancient Greek times
- Tragedies
○ Main character faces adversity
- The Actors
○ In the beginning , they didn’t have actors, they had people tell poems
○ Followers were other people in the play who were not the main characters
○ Hypocrites were the main roles.
○ Boy who hadn't hit puberty were the women in the plays
○ Large masks were worn to exaggerate facial expressions
○ The mouth was small so that the audience could not see who the actor was
○ Thespis was the earliest recorded play write known to use masks
○ The symbol of theatre comes from the Greek masks of comedy and tragedy
- Costumes
○ Important because it defined who the character was: social statues, gender.
○ They were decorated(flashy) to emphasize the theatrical aspects of the play
○ Prosterneda would be placed over the mans chest to make them look like a woman

^^^ these notes our from the group that did the project on Greek Theatre.