Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Today in Class we...

Today in class we watched a video on YouTube about Tiberius Gracchus and other ancient Rome people. Here are the notes I took while watching the video.

- Once was a large democratic society
- They called it the republic
- Lasted 500 years
- Tiberius Gracchus
○ His father was a despiser of kings
○ 146BC- Carthage
○ Ten years after his fathers death
○ They will find justice over tyranny
○ They were separated from each other for 120 years
○ They streets ran with blood
○ Six days after brutal fighting, Carthage surrendered and Rome had won
○ Tiberius was the first the get over the wall and he was crowned king
○ Carthage was burnt to the ground- nothing was left
○ They people were sent to slavery
○ They would role for the next 600 years
○ Six months later after the battle between Carthage and Rome, Rome's streets were being filled with poor people
○ Latifundia- huge plots of land that Rome controlled
○ The men who fought were treated like kings now
○ They want to create a new enemy
○ Tiberius was a firm believer in the republic
○ He was going to go to war with Spain
○ Octavious stole a women's farm and made her poor- one of the millions of aristocrats who took advantage of the widows or people who weren't able to keep it up. They would also just take it, like that.
○ Tiberius doesn’t agree with what he had done
○ Thousands of farmers lost their land
○ They brought in people from Carthage to act like slaves to rebuild them
○ They had lost their battle with Spain
○ The army(20,000 men) was surrounded by barbarians
○ They couldn’t fight, so they surrendered
○ The Barbarians wanted to fight- Tiberius wanted them to let them free, so the Barbarians wanted something back, the got everlasting peace with each other

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