Wednesday, March 3, 2010

In Class Today We....

Today in class, we watched a movie about ancient Greece and how they started democracy. We took notes and here they are:

Crucible of Civilization
- Athens was struck by an extraordinary event
○ They had taken their destiny into their own arms
○ They rose up in revolution
○ The people had turned against their rulers
○ 508 BC.
○ First step to empire and glory
○ The first time in history this has happened
- What happens Now?
○ Cleisthenes was forced to build a government
○ He was a leader that got ran out when the Spartans attacked
○ They could gather and talk about their future
○ A white pebble for yes, a black pebble for no
§ How the people voted
§ This started democracy
○ Ordinary Greeks who were not wealthy would feel heroic because they were able to contribute to the democracy
○ No one ever thought of having the people vote
○ At some points, they had a better democracy then we do now
○ The people had to defend their nation from attackers
○ 490 BC.
§ Phiediippities
□ He was one of the best athletes
□ Its not for glory, but for survival
□ To run for help
□ He was running to Sparta
□ He ran 140 miles in 2 days
□ The help would be refused
□ He never imagined that the Greeks won the battle
□ They had slaughtered 6,000 Persians in one day
§ From India to Turkey
§ They were gaining power
§ Persians had to destroy them
§ Diraus - leader of Persia
§ News spread of the attack like wildfire
§ Every men citizen had to fight
§ Use any weapon they could find
§ Athens was outnumbered 2:1
§ They returned to their city to celebrate
§ The war had only just begin
§ Themistocles- Navy
□ Risen to power through democracy
□ He knew how to make a city great
□ He would become one of histories greatest saviors
□ He had been using the trireme
® To ram the enemies ship
® They were also very expensive
□ They discovered silver
□ He wanted to spend the money of ships
§ Xerxes
□ 486 BC
□ He was going to destroy Athens
□ 2 million men
□ 480 BC- news reached Athens and the Persian army was coming to attack

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