Tuesday, March 2, 2010

In Class Today We...

We finished up the projects and we presneted ours.

- Comedies
○ Written for the sense of humor about the ancient Greek times
- Tragedies
○ Main character faces adversity
- The Actors
○ In the beginning , they didn’t have actors, they had people tell poems
○ Followers were other people in the play who were not the main characters
○ Hypocrites were the main roles.
○ Boy who hadn't hit puberty were the women in the plays
○ Large masks were worn to exaggerate facial expressions
○ The mouth was small so that the audience could not see who the actor was
○ Thespis was the earliest recorded play write known to use masks
○ The symbol of theatre comes from the Greek masks of comedy and tragedy
- Costumes
○ Important because it defined who the character was: social statues, gender.
○ They were decorated(flashy) to emphasize the theatrical aspects of the play
○ Prosterneda would be placed over the mans chest to make them look like a woman

^^^ these notes our from the group that did the project on Greek Theatre.

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