Friday, March 5, 2010

In Class Today We.....

In class today, we watched someof the movie about ancient Greece. Here are the notes that I took while watching the movie:

§ Themistocles- Navy
□ Risen to power through democracy
□ He knew how to make a city great
□ He would become one of histories greatest saviors
□ He had been using the trireme
® To ram the enemies ship
® They were also very expensive
□ They discovered silver
□ He wanted to spend the money of ships
□ He wanted to fight the Persians at sea
□ He wanted the children and wives to evacuate to Salamis, Greece
□ Wants to fight in shallow water
□ They had the victory
□ He built a Navy
□ He had defeated the most greatest empire
□ Delian league- organization of Greek cities - Athens empire- all joined forces
□ They still had democracy
□ The pebbles decided everything
□ Other cultures could not manage this kind of
□ Ostracize- writing someone's name on a rock and whoever got the most votes where thrown out of the city
□ Sometimes it were a period years or it was for life
□ Used to protect the government
□ The kicked out Themistocles
□ Because he was getting a big head
□ Never recovered from this humiliation
□ Eventually died in Persia
- They were now looking for a New Leader
§ Pericles
□ He was the leader of Athens when it was at its highest
□ He was born into an elite family
□ Knew the people wanted a city fit to rule a empire
□ The burnt down areas became a memorial for all the people who had died
□ He would make it a temple for Athena
□ It was extraordinarily expensive
□ Who 20,000 lbs. of marble
□ It would be decorated like none before
□ Sculptures and architects were brought from all over Greece
□ It took 15 years
□ Most glorious symbol of Athens empire
□ 40ft high statue of Athena
□ Was truly overwhelming
□ 2500 yeas old
□ Stands at the peak of Acropolis
□ Aspasia- like a prostitute
□ Was his companion
□ She wrote some of his speeches for him
□ He treated her like an equal, when women were considered 2nd class
□ Were to become one of the most influential groups
□ Theatres were built in every main city in Greece
□ He wouldn’t just bring glory, but death and destruction
□ Got his people to follow his plan
□ The were faced with the plaque
□ Results were horrendous
□ Spread like wildfire
□ The body suddenly stopped
□ Was worse then what human nature could ever happen to them

§ Xerxes
□ 486 BC
□ He was going to destroy Athens
□ 2 million men
□ 480 BC- news reached Athens and the Persian army was coming to attack
□ He was confident of victory
□ Burnt down the most famous places in Greece
□ Thought it was easy
□ Believed Themistocles trick- a guy tells them that it’s the perfect time to attack and to not kill him, but really Themistocles told the guy to tell him that
□ They soon realized his plan when they saw a wall of Themistocles ships
□ Aeschyles fought in the battle and was able to talk about it
□ At the end of the battle they had lost over 200 ships

§ Delphi
□ The Greek would go their to discover their future
□ Considered the center of the universe
□ Themistocles went to Delphi after the war of marathon
§ 431 BC
□ Presents his people with the news that he is going to war with Sparta
□ They were a fearsome force
□ He decided to finish this old rivalry
□ Convinced his people to go to Piraeus
□ Used the Athenian Navy
□ They crowded behind the cities walls
§ Socrates
□ He was unbelievably ugly
□ Walked the streets barefoot
□ Didn’t care about appearance
□ Interested only in the mind
□ Would be part of the revolution in the mind
□ Took the gods from the heavens and replaced them with reason
□ This was the birth of science
□ He was interested in logic and reason in people
□ Cares about the individual
□ Talking and debating with anybody he met
□ He loved the city
□ As he spent days thinking, his city was in war

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