Monday, March 29, 2010

Tiberius Gracchus- What I Think About Him

In my opinion, I think Tiberius was a good ruler, but toward the end of his life, he went downhill. When they were at his father’s funeral and the people were saying his eulogy, they had mentioned he was a despiser of kings. Tiberius turned out to wanting to be able to stay in and have some power, which his father would not have wanted if he were still alive. In the beginning of Tiberius’s ruling, he was a good ruler. When they had gone to war with Spain, he had brought back 20,000 men. They came back to their families in Rome, and they had more respect for Tiberius because they had brought back the men. This time showed that Tiberius had a good ruling at that time. When he decided to run for tribune, he knew that the people were going to vote for him. He had promised the plebeians that he would get their land back for them when they lost it in the battle with Carthage in 146 BC. This was a good choice made by Tiberius because he knew that he would be helping the people. This choice was effective because in the future, this choice to run for tribune would bring him down. When Octavious vetoed the choice to let the people vote, and then Tiberius started vetoing everything that was on the agenda; that was a bad idea. He was acting like a child because he didn’t get his way. He wanted the people to start to riot, which would not be a good idea. If some of the people didn’t agree with him, they could attack him and end his life. Vetoing everything that the people in the senate said was a bad choice made by Tiberius. When Octavious started to go out in the night to tell the people that Tiberius wanted to be king and make them slaves, which was a good idea from Octavious because he knew that Tiberius was getting a little to cocky and he wanted him to go down. What I think is that Tiberius wanted more power to himself and he had promised things that he wasn’t able to do because he didn’t have that type of power. In the movie, when Tiberius was pointing to his head, I’m not sure if that really happened in real life or they were doing it just for the movie, it probably made the people think that he wanted Mather to get the crown for him before the senate attacked him. Overall, I think that Tiberius was a good ruler in the beginning, but towards the end of his ruling/life, he became a little too cocky and he couldn’t handle all of the politics that the people in the government really have to handle.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very thoughtful essay, Hannah. You have a good recall of many of the details in the video, and your analysis is very observant, too. "...he couldn’t handle all of the politics that the people in the government really have to handle..." Great thought!

