Thursday, March 25, 2010

Today In Class....

Today in class we watched more of the movie about Tiberius and his fight to make Rome better. We watched it oin the laguage lab. Here are the notes I took while watching the movie:

○ The soldiers families who survived were happy to see Tiberius, but the rich, on the other hand, were all upset because they thought that Tiberius and his people were giving up and they wanted the poorer people to stay in line and not get out of hand
○ His mother wanted him to apologize to one of the senators because she thought he had let down Rome
○ Mather- showed Tiberius how easy it was to get to him by putting a knife to him
○ He wanted to give him help by protecting him- the people needed them
○ He was offering his services to him as a bodyguard
○ Tiberius's one friend from the senate told him to run for something in the political office- he knew he would get a lot of votes from the plebeians
○ He ran for tribune- to protect people's rights
○ He would be able to pass new laws to give them new lands
○ They weren't any laws back then that said you could only own a certain amount of land
○ Octavious wouldn’t give up his land because his father died on it
○ His friend in the senate wants Tiberius to marry his daughter
○ 133 BC
○ He became tribune of the assembly (the people) and asked the senate to vote for his laws
○ He wanted everyone to have a home
○ Octavious-senate tribune- vetoed and was the only one who didn’t agree
○ Didn’t choose by majority- all of them had to agree

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