Friday, March 26, 2010

Today In Class We...

Today in class we watched more on the video about Tiberius. We got news that we had to write a paper about what we thought of Tiberius and if what he did was good or not good. Here are the notes I tookk while we watched the video:

○ The next day Octavious vetoed again
○ Now Tiberius is vetoing everything so that there will be riots everywhere
○ He was pissed off at Octavious
○ They had never had a mob like this before
○ Tiberius won the vote to get rid of Octavious and he couldn’t vote anymore
○ Octavious is going to the people ad telling them that he was lying to them and they were all saying that he was wearing royal clothing and the crown and he just wanted to be king
○ They would prosecute him for treason
○ The people were going to rebel against him
○ The last thing they want is a guy with a lot of power
○ Mather believed the same as the people
○ They were in the midst of a civil war
○ When is term as tribune was over, the were all going to kill him
○ Tiberius says the people will protect him
○ Summer of 133 BC- the election day
○ He is fighting for a second term but that isn't allowed
○ Mather tried to defend Tiberius but he died
○ Then they beat Tiberius to death
○ There was no funeral for him- they just dumped his body in the Tiber River

It would take 100 years to get Rome back to its normal self

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