Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Julius Caesar

Today we watched a movie on YouTube about Julius Caesar. We took notes on the video and here they are:

- Julius Caesar
○ 52 BD Gaul, France
○ Gaul's and Roman's are fighting
○ 100,000 men from Gaul
○ 40,000 with Caesar
○ Battle of Alesia
○ Caesar refuses to go out because his hair doesn’t look right
○ As all seemed lost, Caesar came in and Rome won
○ Fights with him for 10-12 year
○ and soon becomes important
○ Calvary was sent to Gaul to trap the people
○ Most brilliant fight in military
○ Beginning of a revolution
○ He was also a powerful politician
○ All of Gaul was conquered
○ Rome was a republic
○ The senate was worried
○ Was subjected to regular elections
○ Pompey and Caesar were once political allies
○ Rubicon- if you cross it, you would not be able to go back
○ He formed a triumvirate- an unofficial group of three people who try to run things- Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus
○ Crassus dies
○ Caesar gets named consul- he makes himself consul for life
○ Pompey thinks Caesar went to far
○ Caesar and Pompey battle each other with their own armies
○ Caesar just wants more power/ out of control
○ He is being stopped by the tribune of the people
○ Caesar is taking the money that all of Rome has
○ Pompey fled east(Greece) to get his allies
○ Caesar went to Spain and whip them out
○ Caesar promised them riches, which he never delivered
○ His own men are rebelling against him
○ In order to stop the rebelling- decimate- of all the 4000 men- 10% of them are killed to keep them straight
- Mark Anthony
○ General of Caesar's army

- Marcus Cato- the senator
○ Sent out messages
○ They were offers/demanding letters telling Caesar to leave his military
○ Caesar ignored it

- Gnaeus Pompey
○ Politician and retired general
○ Most successful
○ Conquered most of the eastern Mediterranean

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