Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Today In Class We.....

Today in class we watched more about the movie about ancient Greece. Here are the notes I took when watching it.

□ Thales
□ Stood next to the pyramid when the sun was at a certain point to tell how tall it was
§ Theatres
□ When people didn’t like it they booed
□ Tragedies were the main play that were performed
§ The Spartans vs. The Athenians
□ A plague hit Athens
□ The diseases spread like wildfire
□ Over 1/3 of the population had died
□ It soon hit Pericles
□ He was soon relying on potions and magic
□ Died 6 months after getting the diseases (429 BC)
□ His plans only brought disease and death
□ Socrates tried to calm the people after losing a battle against Sparta
□ In the end, he was only one voice like everyone else
□ All of the people who did the wrong thing, they were to die by drinking poison
□ They had been part of one of the greatest defeats
□ 2 fleets had been destroyed
§ Athens vs. Persia
□ Athens had defeated the Persians 50 years earlier
□ Athenians began to starve
□ They all turned to Athena
□ The goddess offered no help
□ 404BC - Athens surrendered to Sparta's leader- Lysander
□ Their fleets were destroyed
□ Everything but 12 ships were to be burned
□ Athenians looked for someone to blame
□ They blamed Socrates
□ Critical about everything
□ He was arrested
□ They put him on trial
□ Held in Athens central market place under a canopy
□ He had only a little nit of time to state something- they used water timer
□ They found him guilty and put him to death
□ He reacted calmly
□ He would die by hemlock
® Drinking poison

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