Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Today In Class We...

Mr. Scick akak Chi Cago showed a rap he made about ancient Rome. We took notes on this rap which had the beat from Low by Flo Rida:

- Etruscans and the Greeks
- the Latin's came first
- they drained the swamps of the Tiber River
- Tarquin wasn't happy and they ran the tyrants out of town
- They didn't have anymore kings
- Romulus and Remus(twins)- fathered by the god Mars, born by a virgin, then uncle puts them into the wild to let them die, and then a she wolf saves the and raises them, then they founded Rome ........MYTH
-they had three governments rolled into one
-Patricians and plebeians
-they had new republics to run- democracy, aristocracy, and monarchy
-5000 soldiers
-they fought against Carthage in wars that were Punic

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