Thursday, April 29, 2010

Today in Class...

Today in class we finished up all of the projects for the magazine. We have a test tomorrow. Here are the notes that I took while listening to them:

Caesar Augustus
- 46BC he impressed Caesar
- March 12 BC he took the position of Pontifex Maximus
- February 5 he was given the title "father of the country"
- He developed a better currency system
- Much of the city was rebuilt under August
- Augustus rule started Pax Romama (Roman Peace)
- Improved roads with a postal service, and created official police and fire-fighting forces of Rome
- He built bridges, aqueducts and buildings adorned with beautiful works of art
- The people didn’t mind him having all of this power
- Died August 19, 14 AD
- He was declared a god after he died

Circus Maximus/ Coliseum
- Coliseum
- 70-72 AD to 80AD
- 50,000 people
- Used as a church when it was first built
- Bullfights, gladiator fights, executions, persecution of Christians
- The main building still stands today
- Circus Maximus
- Means large circus
- 1/4 of Rome's population could be in their
- Fist circus in Rome
- 81 AD built in honor of Titus

- 250 years after Caesar Augustus
- Sending troops to secure boarders
- Became to be to much
- Divided Rome
- Constantinople (eastern)
- Rome (western)
- Made a law that says it is okay to persecute Christians

Persecution of Christians
- Christians who were being killed
- Many different religions were killed
- 20,000 Christians- Diocletian ordered
- They would be stoned
- Nero was the first case of persecution of the Christians
- They made is legal that you could be killed on sight

Edict of Milan
- 313 AD
- Caused the persecution of Christians to stop
- Without the edict, we would never be able to practice our religions peacefully
- It was created by Constantine and Licinius
- Constantine made the official religion Catholicism

Fall of Rome
- Over 500 years, Rome was ruled by a supreme
- The Goths invaded Rome
- Held them all hostage in the own city
- Honorius decided to meet with Alaric to give him want they wanted
- Stillico, the emperor's chief advisor, was executed by the Goths for trying to kill Alaric
- Everyone who wasn’t a part of the Goths were sent to leave
- Nothing continued to go in or out
- They made a deal with Alaric
- They took all of the treasures
- They gave Rome food for 3 days
- They couldn’t find Honorius
- This was the end of the empire
- 476 AD

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Today In Class.

Today in class wewent over the rest of the presentations. We also had to take notes on them. The topic I chose was constantine's conversion. Here are the notes that I took while listenign to them.

- The Gallic had good strategies
- The Rubicon River

Geography of Rome
- Played a big role in society
- Surrounded by water- peninsula
- Helped with trade
- High level above the sea
- Land was marshy which made it hard to invade
- The Tiber Rive allowed Rome to flow
- Mountains, hills, plains depending on which region you were in

Julius Caesar- Military Man
- He was first a politician
- Became general
- In many wars
- Spain, Gallic, Gaul
- He thought he should've ruled Rome
- Started a civil war
- His only option was to fight instead of running away
- He was assassinated
- The senate stabbed him to death

Triumvirate to Emperor
- 60 BC returned to Spain
- 54BC returned to Gaul
- Became the governor of Gaul
- 52 BC Gaul rose against him
- Battle of Alesia was Gaul against Rome
- Caesar was a Roman
- Crossed the Rubicon River
- Pompey defended Gaul
- Caesar won that battle
- Had power over Rome

Caesar and Cleopatra
- Met a few months after Cleopatra was removed from her leadership
- She saw how powerful Caesar was how powerful he was so she asked him to reinstate her as queen
- Caesar's army killed the people that kicked her out and her brother, Ptolemy XIII, he drowned in the Nile
- She married her 12 year old brother to become a co-ruler of Egypt- she was 22
- Cleopatra and Caesar got married and they had their only son, Caesarian
- Their affair continued until Caesar was stabbed to death
- Then she married another brother just to be queen
- Ptolemy was fighting with Pompey
- He thought that if he cut off Pompey's head and gave it to Caesar, Caesar would not kill him
- Caesar actually had respect for Pompey
- Back-fired on Ptolemy

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Today In Class

In class we shared out magazine pages and took notes for our test on FRIDAY.
Here are the notes that I took while watching.

Remus and Romulus
- Twin who were born by Mars
- They were abandoned
- A wolf discovered them
- They think that they founded Rome
- They both wanted to build a city
- Romulus won
- Remus died in a fight
- Named after Romulus
- Romulus abducted women to have children and have it populated

Tarquin the Proud
- 7th king of Rome
- Superbus was his nickname
- He was expelled from Rome
- His brother-in-law was a part of the throne
- He was the last king
- Ruled harshly
- Abused his power
- Killed the king before him
- Let his family get away with things

The Roman Republic
- 753 to 509 BC- Rome was ruled by a king
- The Roman Republic lasted more than 450 years
- It was formed so that tyrants wouldn’t be in charge
- It lasted until Octavian became emperor

Tiber Gracchus
- He was offered eternal peace by the Numentines
- Octavious started to talk bad about Tiberius
- His people went against him
- The senate killed them and threw him into the Tiber River
- The Tiber River's name comes from Tiberius

Patricians and Plebeians
- Plebeians were middle/lower class people
- Patricians were the upper class
- Outside of Roman Republic, plebeians were excluded from the religious colleges and magistracies
- Plebeians came around when Ancus Marcius came around
- It was against the law for the two of them to get married
- If they did get married and had a child, it would not be considered a citizen

The Senate
- The highest in Rome
- Inherit you position
- Fought with plebeians for laws
- They soon became like our own government
- 300 people
- The senators had people speak for them
- They had no real power though

Friday, April 23, 2010

Today In Class.

Today in class we finished watching the Fall of Rome. Here are the notes that I took.
- Alaric is pulling back from Rome
- The emperor is trying to sneak in soldiers to help their people
- They tried to trick the Goths
- Only a few Roman soldiers survived
- Rome had lost
- Athaulf wants to go back and fight against the Romans as the rest of his men
- They want a new leader if Alaric doesn’t fight against Rome again
- The go back to Rome
- Alaric wanted to talk to the senate
- The senate turned against their emperor
- They picked a new leader
- The young emperors assistant wants him to starve Rome
- They were soon dependent on grain and Attalis stopped it
- Attalis collapsed
- Rome started to crumble
- Athaulf just wanted to take what was left of Rome and leave
- Alaric didn’t want to
- They don’t think that Alaric is fit to lead them
- Alaric wants to meet with Honorius
- 410AD
- They set off the to find the treaty- Goths
- It seemed they would meet in peace
- Alaric's men were attacked by Honorius's men
- The gates were opened to the Goths by some of the Romans
- They were going to attack Rome
- They took Honorius's sister as a hostage
- Three days later
- Alaric had won Rome
- They would head south
- Honorius didn’t know about his men attacking Alaric
- Sirus didn’t agree with Honorius's deal with the Goths
- Honorius was emperor for the next 13 years
- Alaric died 4 months after the sack of Rome
- He never found a safe haven for his people
- Athaulf took Alaric's place and married Honorius's sister
- Western France- the kingdom of the Visigoths
- ^ a place for his people
- 476AD
- The last Roman emperor was oppressed

After that, we finished doing our projects with our groups.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Today In Class..

Tosay in class we watched more on the Fall of Rome. I agree with Alarics choices because he wanted his land, but Rome did'ntgive it to them so he demanded revenge. Here are the notes that I took when watching the movie.

- Noricum
- Alaric is getting frustrated because his people still haven't gotten land
- The Goths had 30,000 men
- They are going to march in Rome
- They want to hold Rome hostage
- Swept through Italy
- 3 months after leaving, the reached Rome
- They are taking revenge
- Rome was beginning to suffer like the Goths
- Rome doesn’t have enough people to defend their people
- They had enough food for 10 days
- The emperor is not in Rome so he isnt feeling the pain
- They couldn’t afford to give them land
- They will reject their demands
- The people turned to the senate
- Alaric wanted a fight
- He wanted their gold/ all of their treasure
- He would leave them their souls
- One week later
- There's not a whole lot for Rome to do
- He is going to give them three days with food because he doesn’t believe they gave them all of their goods
- He still just wants the land
- Alaric was true to his word
- They think that Alaric is going to destroy Rome

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Today In Class...

Today in class movie about the Fall of Rome. We had taken notes we watched about the movie and here they are:

The Fall of Rome
- A weak emperor who tried to be strong
- 410 Fifth century AD
- Athaulf Goths General
- Alaric- King of the Goths
- Two years earlier, an act of betrayal brought them their war
- The barbarians and Rome
- The Huns and the Vandals are fighting each other
- The Goths were pushed out of their land
- They thought he was promising to much
- August 408 AD
- Goth military would serve in their military for land
- They would be with Rome
- Ravenna
- Their emperor had called to kill the man in the church in Rome
- Honorius ^
- Since he was a kid
- The families of any barbarians who followed the man who died was killed
- The survivors fled

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Diocletian Persecution and Circus Maximus

Diocletian Persecution
The Diocletian Persecution was the last and most severe persecution of Christians Emperor Diocletian and his colleagues issued a series of edicts. These edicts rescinded the legal rights of Christians and demanding they comply with traditional religious practices. Later, the edicts targeted the clergy and demanding universal sacrifice, ordering all inhabitants to sacrifice to the gods. The intensity of the prosecutions varied from across the empire. The weakest prosecutions were in Gaul and Britain. In these two places, the edict was issued there first. The strongest prosecutions were in the Eastern provinces. Persecutory laws were nullified by different emperors and at different times. The Edict of Milan, the law between Constantine and Licinius, had marked the end of the persecutions.

Circus Maximus
The Circus Maximus was the first place used for games and entertainment. The first version was made completely out of wood. These could hold about ¼ of the city’s population. This was about 250,000 people. It measured about 2,037 feet in length and 387 feet in width. It was the first largest Chariot Racing Stadium in ancient Rome. It is located in a valley between Aventine and Palatine. The chariot races were most important in the Circus Maximus. The last known chariot race was in 549 held by Totila. Other events held in the Circus Maximus were processions and gladiator combats. The Circus Maximus still entertains Romans now that it is a park for people to stay in.

Today In Class

Today in class we watched the rest of the movie on Constantine. Here are the notes that I took of the video:

- He made St. Peter's a Christian church
- Licinius believes the senate is powerless
- They want Constantine dead
- People from the Temple of Jupiter are going out to find and kill Constantine
- The guards killed the senator because Constantine saw it coming
- Now Constantine trusts no one
- Basianes was killed
- The conflict between Lucinius and Constantine took a long time
- The Edict of Milan lasted 7 years
- East(Licinius) vs. west(Constantine)
- The senate is acting as much
- The battle took place in modern day Turkey
- Constantine unleashed his biggest weapon- the Christian banner
- It brought terror to the other men
- Constantine wins
- His sister wants him to spear Licinius because it is her husband
- Licinius surrenders
- Constantine tells him to live his life in peace
- 325AD
- He brought together bishops
- They strangled Licinius
- His wife was strangled in the bath, people think it was in order from Constantine
- Constantine's sister never forgave him for what he did
- Constantine lived for another 12 years
- He's the first Christian emperor

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today In Class....

Today in class we reviewed what we watched yesterday on Constantine. We also talked about all of the different views on how Constantine conversion really happened. Then, we watched more on the video and took notes on them:

- Everybody loved them when he came back
- Constantine wanted to liberate not conquer
- Constantine wanted to bring peace with the western with Lucinius
- 313AD. Married off his sister
- She was a Christian
- Nothing could part them
- Constantine and the other senators were fighting on what to do with to rulers
- They are trying to set up an agreement of making Christianity a religion that you can practice
- They are going to divide it into two empires , but Constantine wants to still have one empire and have everyone practice their own religion without getting killed
- Lactantias- Edict of Milan
- Basically said you could practice any religion you wanted
- The new religion was now tolerated and you would not be persecuted
- Constantine was growing doubtful
- He was turning more to Christianity
- Constantine goes to the Christian district
- The Christina s are saying that Constantine was the 13th apostle
- 315AD
- The people dedicated an arch in his honor
- He now dedicated himself to the city
- One empire, one God, one emperor

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today in class, mr. Schick walked around and looked at our presentations that we made. We also watched more on the movie about Constantine and here are the notes that I took:

- Maxentius was making plans for when he was going to attack Constantine
- He is going to trap him at the Tiber River
- He thinks Constantine will not even reach the city
- They want Constantine to paint the Christian symbol on their guards
- They didn’t because they were afraid Jupiter would strike them down
- Constantine's outnumbered army was about to fight
- They had to cross the Tiber River to get to the city
- 75,000 men
- Milvian - they had to cross it
- When the bridge knocked down- Maxentius was on the bridge and it brought him down and drowned him
- They had won the battle
- He had the whole western empire
- Constantine or Constantine conversion
○ The video said that a huge meteorite hit right in front of his eyes
○ The conversion was the result of either a vision or a dream in which Christ directed him to fight under Christian standards, and his victory apparently assured Constantine in his faith in a new god.- This was from BBC History.
○ During the next night, so Eusebius' account continues, Christ appeared to Constantine and instructed him to place the heavenly sign on the battle standards of his army. The new battle standard became known as the labarum. - This came from Roman Emperors (.org)

The Emperor Constantine I was exposed to Christianity by his mother, Helena. Constantine was over 42 when he finally declared himself a Christian. Writing to Christians, Constantine made clear that he owed his successes to the protection of that High God alone.- This was from

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Homework 4-13

Since i did a powerpoint, because I was having trouble doing a prezi, I wasn't sure how I was going to upload it. I still did it and I have it saved in my documents.

Today in class we....

Today in class we went over our our tests that we had taken way before spring break. We also watched a video about Constantine and took notes.

- 400 AD
- 312 AD
- Maxentuis- Constantine is planning to fight against him
- Maxentuis outnumbered them
- A growing new religion were with Constantine
- Maxentuis was the emperor and was hated
- Constantine will fight in 3 days
- The enemy of Rome will be defeated
- They think that Constantine will be defeated, but really Maxentuis is the enemy of everybody
- They want him to put his faith in one god
- 27th of October
- Max brought troops from other places; tens of thousands
- A bomb of some sort hit and they were not sure what had happened
- A theory was that it was a meteorite
- This blasted on a hill and the Christians thought it was a sign