Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Today In Class...

Today in class movie about the Fall of Rome. We had taken notes we watched about the movie and here they are:

The Fall of Rome
- A weak emperor who tried to be strong
- 410 Fifth century AD
- Athaulf Goths General
- Alaric- King of the Goths
- Two years earlier, an act of betrayal brought them their war
- The barbarians and Rome
- The Huns and the Vandals are fighting each other
- The Goths were pushed out of their land
- They thought he was promising to much
- August 408 AD
- Goth military would serve in their military for land
- They would be with Rome
- Ravenna
- Their emperor had called to kill the man in the church in Rome
- Honorius ^
- Since he was a kid
- The families of any barbarians who followed the man who died was killed
- The survivors fled

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