Thursday, April 29, 2010

Today in Class...

Today in class we finished up all of the projects for the magazine. We have a test tomorrow. Here are the notes that I took while listening to them:

Caesar Augustus
- 46BC he impressed Caesar
- March 12 BC he took the position of Pontifex Maximus
- February 5 he was given the title "father of the country"
- He developed a better currency system
- Much of the city was rebuilt under August
- Augustus rule started Pax Romama (Roman Peace)
- Improved roads with a postal service, and created official police and fire-fighting forces of Rome
- He built bridges, aqueducts and buildings adorned with beautiful works of art
- The people didn’t mind him having all of this power
- Died August 19, 14 AD
- He was declared a god after he died

Circus Maximus/ Coliseum
- Coliseum
- 70-72 AD to 80AD
- 50,000 people
- Used as a church when it was first built
- Bullfights, gladiator fights, executions, persecution of Christians
- The main building still stands today
- Circus Maximus
- Means large circus
- 1/4 of Rome's population could be in their
- Fist circus in Rome
- 81 AD built in honor of Titus

- 250 years after Caesar Augustus
- Sending troops to secure boarders
- Became to be to much
- Divided Rome
- Constantinople (eastern)
- Rome (western)
- Made a law that says it is okay to persecute Christians

Persecution of Christians
- Christians who were being killed
- Many different religions were killed
- 20,000 Christians- Diocletian ordered
- They would be stoned
- Nero was the first case of persecution of the Christians
- They made is legal that you could be killed on sight

Edict of Milan
- 313 AD
- Caused the persecution of Christians to stop
- Without the edict, we would never be able to practice our religions peacefully
- It was created by Constantine and Licinius
- Constantine made the official religion Catholicism

Fall of Rome
- Over 500 years, Rome was ruled by a supreme
- The Goths invaded Rome
- Held them all hostage in the own city
- Honorius decided to meet with Alaric to give him want they wanted
- Stillico, the emperor's chief advisor, was executed by the Goths for trying to kill Alaric
- Everyone who wasn’t a part of the Goths were sent to leave
- Nothing continued to go in or out
- They made a deal with Alaric
- They took all of the treasures
- They gave Rome food for 3 days
- They couldn’t find Honorius
- This was the end of the empire
- 476 AD

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