Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today In Class....

Today in class we reviewed what we watched yesterday on Constantine. We also talked about all of the different views on how Constantine conversion really happened. Then, we watched more on the video and took notes on them:

- Everybody loved them when he came back
- Constantine wanted to liberate not conquer
- Constantine wanted to bring peace with the western with Lucinius
- 313AD. Married off his sister
- She was a Christian
- Nothing could part them
- Constantine and the other senators were fighting on what to do with to rulers
- They are trying to set up an agreement of making Christianity a religion that you can practice
- They are going to divide it into two empires , but Constantine wants to still have one empire and have everyone practice their own religion without getting killed
- Lactantias- Edict of Milan
- Basically said you could practice any religion you wanted
- The new religion was now tolerated and you would not be persecuted
- Constantine was growing doubtful
- He was turning more to Christianity
- Constantine goes to the Christian district
- The Christina s are saying that Constantine was the 13th apostle
- 315AD
- The people dedicated an arch in his honor
- He now dedicated himself to the city
- One empire, one God, one emperor

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