Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Today In Class

In class we shared out magazine pages and took notes for our test on FRIDAY.
Here are the notes that I took while watching.

Remus and Romulus
- Twin who were born by Mars
- They were abandoned
- A wolf discovered them
- They think that they founded Rome
- They both wanted to build a city
- Romulus won
- Remus died in a fight
- Named after Romulus
- Romulus abducted women to have children and have it populated

Tarquin the Proud
- 7th king of Rome
- Superbus was his nickname
- He was expelled from Rome
- His brother-in-law was a part of the throne
- He was the last king
- Ruled harshly
- Abused his power
- Killed the king before him
- Let his family get away with things

The Roman Republic
- 753 to 509 BC- Rome was ruled by a king
- The Roman Republic lasted more than 450 years
- It was formed so that tyrants wouldn’t be in charge
- It lasted until Octavian became emperor

Tiber Gracchus
- He was offered eternal peace by the Numentines
- Octavious started to talk bad about Tiberius
- His people went against him
- The senate killed them and threw him into the Tiber River
- The Tiber River's name comes from Tiberius

Patricians and Plebeians
- Plebeians were middle/lower class people
- Patricians were the upper class
- Outside of Roman Republic, plebeians were excluded from the religious colleges and magistracies
- Plebeians came around when Ancus Marcius came around
- It was against the law for the two of them to get married
- If they did get married and had a child, it would not be considered a citizen

The Senate
- The highest in Rome
- Inherit you position
- Fought with plebeians for laws
- They soon became like our own government
- 300 people
- The senators had people speak for them
- They had no real power though

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