Friday, April 23, 2010

Today In Class.

Today in class we finished watching the Fall of Rome. Here are the notes that I took.
- Alaric is pulling back from Rome
- The emperor is trying to sneak in soldiers to help their people
- They tried to trick the Goths
- Only a few Roman soldiers survived
- Rome had lost
- Athaulf wants to go back and fight against the Romans as the rest of his men
- They want a new leader if Alaric doesn’t fight against Rome again
- The go back to Rome
- Alaric wanted to talk to the senate
- The senate turned against their emperor
- They picked a new leader
- The young emperors assistant wants him to starve Rome
- They were soon dependent on grain and Attalis stopped it
- Attalis collapsed
- Rome started to crumble
- Athaulf just wanted to take what was left of Rome and leave
- Alaric didn’t want to
- They don’t think that Alaric is fit to lead them
- Alaric wants to meet with Honorius
- 410AD
- They set off the to find the treaty- Goths
- It seemed they would meet in peace
- Alaric's men were attacked by Honorius's men
- The gates were opened to the Goths by some of the Romans
- They were going to attack Rome
- They took Honorius's sister as a hostage
- Three days later
- Alaric had won Rome
- They would head south
- Honorius didn’t know about his men attacking Alaric
- Sirus didn’t agree with Honorius's deal with the Goths
- Honorius was emperor for the next 13 years
- Alaric died 4 months after the sack of Rome
- He never found a safe haven for his people
- Athaulf took Alaric's place and married Honorius's sister
- Western France- the kingdom of the Visigoths
- ^ a place for his people
- 476AD
- The last Roman emperor was oppressed

After that, we finished doing our projects with our groups.

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