Friday, April 16, 2010

Today In Class

Today in class we watched the rest of the movie on Constantine. Here are the notes that I took of the video:

- He made St. Peter's a Christian church
- Licinius believes the senate is powerless
- They want Constantine dead
- People from the Temple of Jupiter are going out to find and kill Constantine
- The guards killed the senator because Constantine saw it coming
- Now Constantine trusts no one
- Basianes was killed
- The conflict between Lucinius and Constantine took a long time
- The Edict of Milan lasted 7 years
- East(Licinius) vs. west(Constantine)
- The senate is acting as much
- The battle took place in modern day Turkey
- Constantine unleashed his biggest weapon- the Christian banner
- It brought terror to the other men
- Constantine wins
- His sister wants him to spear Licinius because it is her husband
- Licinius surrenders
- Constantine tells him to live his life in peace
- 325AD
- He brought together bishops
- They strangled Licinius
- His wife was strangled in the bath, people think it was in order from Constantine
- Constantine's sister never forgave him for what he did
- Constantine lived for another 12 years
- He's the first Christian emperor

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