Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today in class, mr. Schick walked around and looked at our presentations that we made. We also watched more on the movie about Constantine and here are the notes that I took:

- Maxentius was making plans for when he was going to attack Constantine
- He is going to trap him at the Tiber River
- He thinks Constantine will not even reach the city
- They want Constantine to paint the Christian symbol on their guards
- They didn’t because they were afraid Jupiter would strike them down
- Constantine's outnumbered army was about to fight
- They had to cross the Tiber River to get to the city
- 75,000 men
- Milvian - they had to cross it
- When the bridge knocked down- Maxentius was on the bridge and it brought him down and drowned him
- They had won the battle
- He had the whole western empire
- Constantine or Constantine conversion
○ The video said that a huge meteorite hit right in front of his eyes
○ The conversion was the result of either a vision or a dream in which Christ directed him to fight under Christian standards, and his victory apparently assured Constantine in his faith in a new god.- This was from BBC History.
○ During the next night, so Eusebius' account continues, Christ appeared to Constantine and instructed him to place the heavenly sign on the battle standards of his army. The new battle standard became known as the labarum. - This came from Roman Emperors (.org)

The Emperor Constantine I was exposed to Christianity by his mother, Helena. Constantine was over 42 when he finally declared himself a Christian. Writing to Christians, Constantine made clear that he owed his successes to the protection of that High God alone.- This was from

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