Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Today In Class.

Today in class wewent over the rest of the presentations. We also had to take notes on them. The topic I chose was constantine's conversion. Here are the notes that I took while listenign to them.

- The Gallic had good strategies
- The Rubicon River

Geography of Rome
- Played a big role in society
- Surrounded by water- peninsula
- Helped with trade
- High level above the sea
- Land was marshy which made it hard to invade
- The Tiber Rive allowed Rome to flow
- Mountains, hills, plains depending on which region you were in

Julius Caesar- Military Man
- He was first a politician
- Became general
- In many wars
- Spain, Gallic, Gaul
- He thought he should've ruled Rome
- Started a civil war
- His only option was to fight instead of running away
- He was assassinated
- The senate stabbed him to death

Triumvirate to Emperor
- 60 BC returned to Spain
- 54BC returned to Gaul
- Became the governor of Gaul
- 52 BC Gaul rose against him
- Battle of Alesia was Gaul against Rome
- Caesar was a Roman
- Crossed the Rubicon River
- Pompey defended Gaul
- Caesar won that battle
- Had power over Rome

Caesar and Cleopatra
- Met a few months after Cleopatra was removed from her leadership
- She saw how powerful Caesar was how powerful he was so she asked him to reinstate her as queen
- Caesar's army killed the people that kicked her out and her brother, Ptolemy XIII, he drowned in the Nile
- She married her 12 year old brother to become a co-ruler of Egypt- she was 22
- Cleopatra and Caesar got married and they had their only son, Caesarian
- Their affair continued until Caesar was stabbed to death
- Then she married another brother just to be queen
- Ptolemy was fighting with Pompey
- He thought that if he cut off Pompey's head and gave it to Caesar, Caesar would not kill him
- Caesar actually had respect for Pompey
- Back-fired on Ptolemy

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