Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Today In Class..

Tosay in class we watched more on the Fall of Rome. I agree with Alarics choices because he wanted his land, but Rome did'ntgive it to them so he demanded revenge. Here are the notes that I took when watching the movie.

- Noricum
- Alaric is getting frustrated because his people still haven't gotten land
- The Goths had 30,000 men
- They are going to march in Rome
- They want to hold Rome hostage
- Swept through Italy
- 3 months after leaving, the reached Rome
- They are taking revenge
- Rome was beginning to suffer like the Goths
- Rome doesn’t have enough people to defend their people
- They had enough food for 10 days
- The emperor is not in Rome so he isnt feeling the pain
- They couldn’t afford to give them land
- They will reject their demands
- The people turned to the senate
- Alaric wanted a fight
- He wanted their gold/ all of their treasure
- He would leave them their souls
- One week later
- There's not a whole lot for Rome to do
- He is going to give them three days with food because he doesn’t believe they gave them all of their goods
- He still just wants the land
- Alaric was true to his word
- They think that Alaric is going to destroy Rome

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