Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Today in class we....

Today in class we went over our our tests that we had taken way before spring break. We also watched a video about Constantine and took notes.

- 400 AD
- 312 AD
- Maxentuis- Constantine is planning to fight against him
- Maxentuis outnumbered them
- A growing new religion were with Constantine
- Maxentuis was the emperor and was hated
- Constantine will fight in 3 days
- The enemy of Rome will be defeated
- They think that Constantine will be defeated, but really Maxentuis is the enemy of everybody
- They want him to put his faith in one god
- 27th of October
- Max brought troops from other places; tens of thousands
- A bomb of some sort hit and they were not sure what had happened
- A theory was that it was a meteorite
- This blasted on a hill and the Christians thought it was a sign

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